Sunday, May 20, 2012

I was so surprised the morning to see that Sarah read my blog!!!!  =D
She was the one that didn't give up on me!!!  Thank you Sarah!!!!

Today I feel happy and sad......

I am so happy because Krysten and the girls are going to be coming out and spend a little time with us before Sam comes back on June 22!!!  It will be wonderful to see her and the girls again!!!!  She will hopefully be here in time for Daniels graduation which is on May 31!!!!  They have so many students at his high school that graduation is at the Bi Lo center!!!!   Hope we will be able to get a good enough seat to be able to get some pictures!!!!  Otherwise we will take some before and after pics...

Now the sad.....  I am going to be so sad to have Jeff and Lindsay move away next month!!!  We have always live no more than an hour away from each other and now they will be clear across the US from us in Idaho....  =(   This will be really hard....  I will really miss them and the grand kids!!!!  =(.....
We have gotten so use to them being right here at our home that it is going to be way to quiet around here.....  Does anyone out there want to come live with us????????   =(.........

1 comment:

Mom's Place said...

Why are they moving to Idaho?

Oh, and I didn't give up...I myself have been crazy busy. I haven't posted a ton recently, because all of it is reviews right now....Can't talk about the big D while he's there. Blech!
