Sunday, April 29, 2012

So each day....  I check ....  and no one even notices that I am once again writing on here!!!  =)
So, I actually could put some funny stuff down here and only I can enjoy it.  So like if I have a really hard day at work....  I can come on here, feed the fish, and laugh a little!

So, hummmm,  OK - well now I can't think of anything funny to write.   We are getting ready to go to a funeral for the mother of one of my workers.  It was really sad last week, we got a call from Judy's (lady I work with) sister and we were told that her mom only had minutes to live.  So with that I drove Judy down to Clinton, as she was in no condition to drive herself, and Clinton is about a 30 to 45 minute drive.  Needless to say, I wasn't able to get her there in time.  I really felt so bad as I tried really hard to make it before her mom passed!!  So boy was I bummed!!!  So today is the funeral and I have never been to a full blown black baptist funeral before, so I am kind of looking forward to it!!!  I will post what it was like later.

So it was a really hard week at work this last week....  Judy was out all week and I am training a new assistant manager, so that is slow going.  I just have to remember that we have 5 more weeks of school!!!!  I am looking forward to not having a schedule again for a short time!!!

And Jasmine will be in middle school this next year!!  Not sure how she will do there, I am hoping that things will finally click for her and that she will do well.  Maybe if we bribe her with sports or dance or piano lessons????  Maybe it will be enough of an incentive that she will try hard to do well!!!  We will see.  =)


Mom's Place said...

How do you feed the fish?

The Old Buffington's said...

you click on that part of the screen with the mouse... =)
